














1.1 产权组织是政府间组织,也是联合国专门机构,总部设在瑞士日内瓦。产权组织的使命是引领发展一个兼顾各方利益的有效的全球知识产权生态系统,以促进创新创造,使未来更加美好,更可持续。
1.2 “个人数据”是指可以直接或间接用于对个人(自然人)进行唯一识别、联系或定位的电子信息或任何其他形式的信息。
1.3 “数据主体”是指其个人数据须由产权组织处理或代表产权组织处理的个人。
1.4 “数据处理”是指个人数据的收集、记录、存储、使用、共享、保留、存档和销毁。

2.1 产权组织在工作和活动的过程中,可能会处理您的某些个人数据。根据联合国个人数据保护和隐私原则以及国际最佳做法,产权组织在处理数据主体的个人数据方面,确保对数据主体采取一般开放政策,并将确保此类数据得到适当保护。
2.2 在这方面,本通知旨在帮助您了解我们收集哪些个人数据,为何收集以及如何使用和保护这些数据,您对个人数据的权利以及如何行使这些权利。

本通知涵盖产权组织通过其网站和其他在线服务及产品对个人数据的处理。但是,本通知不涵盖由产权组织管理的国际条约的条款所管辖的个人数据处理[1]。 在适用的情况下,有关条约的条款系统地适用并优先于本通知。


4.1 在访问产权组织网站和其他在线服务及产品时,产权组织可能会在这些服务和产品(如产权组织帐户、知识产权门户、ePCT、产权组织通讯、产权组织联系表、产权组织会议注册等)的使用和提供过程中处理个人数据。所处理的个人数据,除其他外,可能包括姓名、邮政地址、电话号码和电子邮件地址。
4.2 此外,产权组织可能会处理特定类型的个人数据,以便为交付产权组织服务、产品和业务提供便利和支持。这方面的例子有:用于实地和在线访问各种服务和产品以及旅行和会议支持的身份证件、用于缴费的银行信息、用于征聘的申请人简历等。


4.3 通过访问产权组织网站和其他在线服务及产品,产权组织可能会处理某些信息,如互联网协议(IP)地址、浏览行为(如访问的网页、所用的浏览器、连接时间和持续时长等)。
4.4 此外,产权组织网站和其他在线服务及产品可能使用cookies来优化功能,改善用户体验。详情参见关于cookie的第5条。

5.1 产权组织网站及其在线服务和产品使用cookie[2],以提供更好的浏览体验,包括验证、语言设置等功能,以及对产权组织服务和产品的不断改进。出于后一目的,产权组织还可能使用各种网络分析工具,收集产权组织帐户用户名(已登录用户)、IP地址、访问过的产权组织网站、访问时间、持续时长和日期等信息。

5.2 通过cookie和分析工具收集的信息将以汇总和匿名的方式用于统计目的,不会用于识别单个用户。
5.3 您可以随时禁用被认为并非绝对必要的cookie,并且/或者就cookie的接受、拒绝和删除作出更改。但这可能导致产权组织网站的某些功能和在线服务及产品不可用。

6.1 产权组织处理个人数据是为了实现《建立世界知识产权组织公约》中规定的目标和职能。除其他外,这些目标和职能包括:促进世界范围内的知识产权保护,维持有助于知识产权保护的服务,收集并传播有关知识产权保护的信息。
6.2 产权组织处理个人数据是为了维持日常运作(如客户注册和支持、缴费、会议和差旅管理、系统管理等),答复请求,以及改进服务和产品。例如,产权组织可能会就您的帐户状态与您联系,以确认您对某项活动的注册,或告知您某项服务的变更。
6.3 通过使用数据主体的电子邮件地址,产权组织可以就产权组织提供的服务、产品、活动、网络研讨会或出版物发送信息、调查请求或推广邮件。一经要求,数据主体可“选择退出”以后的电子邮件联系(使用和交付服务或产品所需的通知除外)。



9.1 在某些情况下,产权组织可能与第三方服务提供商共享个人数据,以便提供产权组织的服务和产品,并促进产权组织的合法利益。这些服务提供商只被允许访问被认为对其受聘目的属合理必要的个人数据。
9.2 除本通知中所述外,产权组织不会出售或以其他方式披露所收集的个人数据。

10.1 产权组织实施了适当的物理、技术和行政控制,以确保您的个人数据安全,防止未经授权的或意外的访问、损坏或丢失等威胁。
10.2 如果个人数据被转移给第三方,产权组织将确保第三方提供充分保证,实施适当的技术和组织措施,确保个人数据得到充分保护。

11.1 产权组织确保在处理个人数据方面酌情采取总体透明政策。
11.2 作为数据主体,您可以要求查阅自己的个人数据、反对处理或要求更正或删除个人数据。此类请求必须采用书面形式,以产权组织的一种工作语言向产权组织提交,并包括支持该请求的充分信息。产权组织可采取合理措施,验证提交“数据主体请求”的个人的身份或授权。

11.3 收到数据主体的请求后,产权组织将对其进行审查,并将作出合理努力,及时答复请求。请注意,此种请求可能因下列理由之一而被全部或部分拒绝:

  • 该请求明显具有滥用、欺诈或妨碍处理目的的意图;
  • 满足该请求被证明是不可能、不适当的,或需要付出过多努力才能做到;
  • 该请求与产权组织在履行职责时的首要业务需求和优先事项相冲突;
  • 出于存档或统计目的,或为了保护数据主体的利益,必须处理个人数据;
  • 处理个人数据是在为行使产权组织被赋予的官方权力而执行任务时所必需的;
  • 处理个人数据是履行法律义务或行使或捍卫法律权利所必需的
11.4 如果您希望就您个人数据的处理提交请求,可以联系我们(参见关于联系信息的第15条)。




最后更新时间 2023年10月

1.1 产权组织是政府间组织,也是联合国专门机构,总部设在瑞士日内瓦。产权组织的使命是引领发展一个兼顾各方利益的有效的全球知识产权生态系统,以促进创新创造,使未来更加美好,更可持续。

1.2 “个人数据”是指可以直接或间接用于对个人(自然人)进行唯一识别、联系或定位的电子信息或任何其他形式的信息。

1.3 “数据主体”是指其个人数据须由产权组织处理或代表产权组织处理的个人。

1.4 “数据处理”是指个人数据的收集、记录、存储、使用、共享、保留、存档和销毁。

2.1 产权组织在工作和活动的过程中,可能会处理您的某些个人数据。根据联 合国个人数据保护和隐私原则以及国际最佳做法,产权组织在处理数据主体的个人数据方面,确保对数据主体采取一般开放政策,并将确保此类数据得到适当保护。

2.2 在这方面,本通知旨在帮助您了解我们收集哪些个人数据,为何收集以及如何使用和保护这些数据,您对个人数据的权利以及如何行使这些权利。

本通知涵盖产权组织通过其网站和其他在线服务及产品对个人数据的处理。但是,本通知不涵盖由产权组织管理的国际条约的条款所管辖的个人数据处理1。 在适用的情况下,有关条约的条款系统地适用并优先于本通知。


4.1 在访问产权组织网站和其他在线服务及产品时,产权组织可能会在这些服务和产品(如产权组织帐户、知识产权门户、ePCT、产权组织通讯、产权组织联系表、产权组织会议注册等)的使用和提供过程中处理个人数据。所处理的个人数据,除其他外,可能包括姓名、邮政地址、电话号码和电子邮件地址。

4.2 此外,产权组织可能会处理特定类型的个人数据,以便为交付产权组织服务、产品和业务提供便利和支持。这方面的例子有:用于实地和在线访问各种服务和产品以及旅行和会议支持的身份证件、用于缴费的银行信息、用于征聘的申请人简历等。


4.3 通过访问产权组织网站和其他在线服务及产品,产权组织可能会处理某些信息,如互联网协议(IP)地址、浏览行为(如访问的网页、所用的浏览器、连接时间和持续时长等)。

4.4 此外,产权组织网站和其他在线服务及产品可能使用cookies来优化功能,改善用户体验。详情参见关于cookie的第5条。

5.1 产权组织网站及其在线服务和产品使用cookie2,以提供更好的浏览体验,包括验证、语言设置等功能,以及对产权组织服务和产品的不断改进。出于后一目的,产权组织还可能使用各种网络分析工具,收集产权组织帐户用户名(已登录用户)、IP地址、访问过的产权组织网站、访问时间、持续时长和日期等信息。

5.2 通过cookie和分析工具收集的信息将以汇总和匿名的方式用于统计目的,不会用于识别单个用户。

5.3 您可以随时禁用被认为并非绝对必要的cookie,并且/或者就cookie的接受、拒绝和删除作出更改。但这可能导致产权组织网站的某些功能和在线服务及产品不可用。

6.1 产权组织处理个人数据是为了实现《建立世界知识产权组织公约》中规定的目标和职能。除其他外,这些目标和职能包括:促进世界范围内的知识产权保护,维持有助于知识产权保护的服务,收集并传播有关知识产权保护的信息。

6.2 产权组织处理个人数据是为了维持日常运作(如客户注册和支持、缴费、会议和差旅管理、系统管理等),答复请求,以及改进服务和产品。例如,产权组织可能会就您的帐户状态与您联系,以确认您对某项活动的注册,或告知您某项服务的变更。

6.3 通过使用数据主体的电子邮件地址,产权组织可以就产权组织提供的服务、产品、活动、网络研讨会或出版物发送信息、调查请求或推广邮件。一经要求,数据主体可“选择退出”以后的电子邮件联系(使用和交付服务或产品所需的通知除外)。



9.1 在某些情况下,产权组织可能与第三方服务提供商共享个人数据,以便提供产权组织的服务和产品,并促进产权组织的合法利益。这些服务提供商只被允许访问被认为对其受聘目的属合理必要的个人数据。

9.2 除本通知中所述外,产权组织不会出售或以其他方式披露所收集的个人数据。

10.1 产权组织实施了适当的物理、技术和行政控制,以确保您的个人数据安全,防止未经授权的或意外的访问、损坏或丢失等威胁。

10.2 如果个人数据被转移给第三方,产权组织将确保第三方提供充分保证,实施适当的技术和组织措施,确保个人数据得到充分保护。

11.1 产权组织确保在处理个人数据方面酌情采取总体透明政策。

11.2 作为数据主体,您可以要求查阅自己的个人数据、反对处理或要求更正或删除个人数据。此类请求必须采用书面形式,以产权组织的一种工作语言向产权组织提交,并包括支持该请求的充分信息。产权组织可采取合理措施,验证提交“数据主体请求”的个人的身份或授权。

11.3 收到数据主体的请求后,产权组织将对其进行审查,并将作出合理努力,及时答复请求。请注意,此种请求可能因下列理由之一而被全部或部分拒绝:

  • 该请求明显具有滥用、欺诈或妨碍处理目的的意图;
  • 满足该请求被证明是不可能、不适当的,或需要付出过多努力才能做到;
  • 该请求与产权组织在履行职责时的首要业务需求和优先事项相冲突;
  • 出于存档或统计目的,或为了保护数据主体的利益,必须处理个人数据;
  • 处理个人数据是在为行使产权组织被赋予的官方权力而执行任务时所必需的;
  • 处理个人数据是履行法律义务或行使或捍卫法律权利所必需的

11.4 如果您希望就您个人数据的处理提交请求,可以联系我们(参见关于联系信息的第15条)。


产权组织与数据主体之间因本通知引起的或与本通知有关的任何争议,如不能友好解决,应根据当时有效的 《贸易法委员会仲裁规则》提交仲裁。产权组织和数据主体应受此种仲裁所做的任何仲裁裁决的约束,将其作为此等争议的终局裁决。尽管有上述规定,产权组织与具有产权组织工作人员身份的数据主体之间的任何争议,应依据《工作人员条例与细则》及相关行政通知解决。


如需进一步了解产权组织处理个人数据的情况,可 联系产权组织数据保护办公室。

最后更新时间 2023年10月

The processing of your Personal Data by WIPO through its website and online services and products is subject to the following Data Privacy Notice to which you agree by browsing the WIPO website and using its online services and products:

1. Definitions

1.1 WIPO is an intergovernmental organization and specialized agency of the United Nations with its headquarters located in Geneva, Switzerland, whose mission is to lead the development of a balanced and effective global intellectual property ecosystem to promote innovation and creativity for a better and more sustainable future.

1.2 “Personal Data” refers to information in electronic or any other form that can be used, directly or indirectly, to uniquely identify, contact, or locate an individual (natural person).

1.3 “Data Subject” refers to an individual whose Personal Data is subject to processing by, on or behalf of, WIPO.

1.4 “Data Processing” refers to collection, recording, storage, use, sharing, retention, archiving and destruction of Personal Data.

2. Introductions

2.1 In the course of its work and activities, WIPO may process some of your Personal Data. In alignment with United Nations Personal Data Protection and Privacy principles and well as international best practices, WIPO ensures a general policy of openness towards Data Subjects with respect to the processing of their Personal Data and will ensure that such data is appropriately protected.

2.2 In this regard, this Data Privacy Notice is intended to help you understand what Personal Data we collect, why we collect, how we use and secure it, your rights on your Personal Data and how these rights can be exercised.

3. Scope

This Notice covers the processing of Personal Data by WIPO through its website and other online services and products. However, it does not cover processing of Personal Data that is governed by the provisions of International Treaties administered by WIPO . Where applicable, the provisions of the Treaties concerned systematically apply and prevail over this Notice.

4. What Personal Data do we process

Personal Data You Provide to Us

4.1 When accessing WIPO's website and other online services and products, WIPO may process Personal Data in the course of the use and delivery of these services and products (e.g. WIPO Account, IP Portal, ePCT, WIPO newsletter, WIPO Contact Form, WIPO Conference Registration, etc.). The Personal Data processed may, inter alia, include your first and last name, postal address, phone number and email address.

4.2 Furthermore, specific types of Personal Data may be processed by WIPO in order to facilitate and support the delivery of WIPO services, products and operations. Examples include Identification Documents for physical and online access to various services and products as well as travel and conference support, banking information to facilitate payments, applicant CVs for recruitment, etc.

Personal Data We Collect by Automated Means

4.3 By accessing WIPO’s website and other online services and products, certain information such as Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, browsing behavior (e.g. web pages visited, browser used, connection time and duration, etc.) may be processed by WIPO.

4.4 Furthermore, WIPO’s website and other online services and products may use cookies to optimize functionality and improve user experience. For more details, refer to Section 5 on cookies.

5. How we use Cookies

5.1 WIPO's website and its online services and products use cookies to offer an improved browsing experience, including features such as authentication, language settings, as well as continuous enhancement of WIPO's services and products. For the latter purpose, WIPO may also use various web analytics tools to collect, inter alia, the WIPO Account username (for logged-in users), IP address, WIPO websites visited, the time, duration and date of the visit.

5.2 The information collected via cookies and analytical tools is used in an aggregated and anonymous manner for statistical purposes, and not to identify individual users.

5.3 You may disable cookies that are not deemed as strictly necessary at any time and/or make changes with regard to the acceptance, rejection and deletion of cookies. This may however render certain features of WIPO's website and online services and products unavailable.

6. Why we collect this Personal Data

6.1 WIPO processes Personal Data to fulfill its objectives and functions as stipulated in the Convention establishing WIPO. These objectives and functions consist, inter alia, of promoting the protection of intellectual property worldwide, maintaining services facilitating its protection and assembling as well as disseminating information concerning its protection.

6.2 WIPO processes Personal Data to maintain daily operations (such as customer registration and support, payments, conferences and travel management, systems administration, etc.), to reply to requests and to improve its services and products. For instance, WIPO may contact you regarding your account status, to confirm your registration to an event or to advise you of changes to a service.

6.3 Using the Data Subjects e-mail addresses, WIPO may periodically send information, survey requests or promotional e-mails about services, products, events, webinars or publications provided by WIPO. Upon request, Data Subjects may "opt out" of further e-mail contact (except for notifications required for the use and delivery of the service or product).

7. How we use your Personal Data

Personal Data is processed by WIPO in a fair and legitimate manner, for the sole purpose of providing and improving its services and products as well as meeting its obligations. Under no circumstances, is Personal Data used for any other incompatible purpose.

8. How long we store Personal Data

Personal Data is only retained for the time that is necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected. When we no longer need Personal Data, we will remove and securely destroy it from our systems and/or take steps to anonymize it.

9. Who we might share Personal Data with

9.1 In some cases, WIPO may share Personal Data with third party service providers for the purpose of providing WIPO services and products and to facilitate WIPO’s legitimate interests. These service providers will only be provided access to the Personal Data deemed as reasonably necessary for the purpose for which they have been engaged.

9.2 WIPO does not sell or otherwise disclose Personal Data collected except as described in this Privacy Notice.

10. How we keep Personal Data secure

10.1 Appropriate physical, technical and administrative controls are implemented by WIPO to secure your Personal Data from threats such as unauthorized or accidental access, damage, or loss.

10.2 In cases where the Personal Data is transferred to a third party, WIPO will ensure that the third party provides sufficient guarantees to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure appropriate protection for the Personal Data.

11. Your rights on your Personal Data

11.1 WIPO ensures a general policy of transparency in regard to the processing of Personal Data, as appropriate. As a Data Subject, you may request information regarding the processing of your Personal Data.

11.2 Subject to reasonable limitations and conditions, Data Subjects may be granted the opportunity to rectify, object to the processing, or request deletion of their Personal Data. In such cases, WIPO shall review the Data Subject request and stop processing the Personal Data if the objection is considered justified, proportionate, and practical to implement and not in conflict with the purpose of processing that Personal Data.

11.3 Such Data Subject requests should be submitted to WIPO in written form, in English or French and they must include sufficient information to support the claim. WIPO may take reasonable measures to validate the request, including the identity or authority of the individual making a Data Subject request.

11.4 Data Subjects wishing to exercise their rights in this regard may contact us (refer to Section 15 on contact information) and we will make reasonable efforts to respond to your request in a timely manner.

12. Privileges and Immunities

Nothing in or relating to this Privacy Notice shall be deemed a waiver of any privileges and immunities of WIPO as an international organization and specialized agency of United Nations.

13. Settlement of Disputes

13.1 Any dispute between WIPO and the Data Subject arising out of or relating to this Privacy Notice that cannot be resolved amicably shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules then in force. WIPO and the Data Subject shall be bound by any arbitration award rendered as a result of such arbitration as the final adjudication of such a dispute.

14. Modifications to this Privacy Notice

WIPO may modify this Notice at any time at its sole discretion. Any modifications will be published on WIPO’s website. Unless stated otherwise, modifications shall take effect immediately following publication.

15. Contact Information

For further information on the processing of Personal Data by WIPO, you may contact WIPO’s Data Protection Officer.