Technical Assistance Database: Activity Details

Title: Regional Workshop on the Disruption in the Digital Creative Economy: A Multifaceted Challenge with Great Potential
Description: To discuss and understand the changes due to disruptive technology in selected value chains of the creative copyright industries such as music, film, publishing, gaming advertising and broadcasting; and to identify opportunities which allow countries to anticipate impacts of the ongoing trends in order to achieve a sustainable digital creative economy.
Type: Meeting
IP Subject Area: Industrial Property
WIPO Sector: WIPO Singapore Office
Date From: 03/09/2018 - 04/09/2018
Venue City: Singapore
Venue/Host Country: Singapore
Activity held in Language: English

Beneficiary / Participant Countries

Country Name No. of Members / Participants
Bangladesh 1
Bhutan 1
Brunei Darussalam 2
Cambodia 2
China 2
Fiji 1
India 2
Indonesia 2
Lao People''s Democratic Republic 2
Malaysia 2
Mongolia 1
Myanmar 2
Nepal 1
Pakistan 1
Papua New Guinea 1
Philippines 2
Republic of Korea 1
Singapore 10
Sri Lanka 1
Thailand 2
Viet Nam 2
Total Number of Participants:  41