Technical Assistance Database: Activity Details

Title: Egyptian Patent Office & Egyptian Trademarks Office: 1. assist EGPO in the finalization and launch of the WIPO Publish environment (Patents) 2. Review the use of IPAS at Trademarks office and provide necessary guidance; discuss means to implement WIPO Publish (trademarks) Serbia IPO: 1. Review the utilization of the WIPO IPAS and the recent adoption of WIPOScan/EDMS 2. Hands on the office tools and services for e-filing and exchange with OHIM and EPO 3. Conclude mutual plan of activities over next biennium
Description: Egyptian Patent Office & Egyptian Trademarks Office: 1. assist EGPO in the finalization and launch of the WIPO Publish environment (Patents) 2. Review the use of IPAS at Trademarks office and provide necessary guidance; discuss means to implement WIPO Publish (trademarks) Serbia IPO: 1. Review the utilization of the WIPO IPAS and the recent adoption of WIPOScan/EDMS 2. Hands on the office tools and services for e-filing and exchange with OHIM and EPO 3. Conclude mutual plan of activities over next biennium
Type: Meeting
IP Subject Area: Copyright
WIPO Sector: IP Office Business Solutions Division
Date From: 28/11/2015 - 10/12/2015
Venue City: Cairo
Venue/Host Country: Egypt
Activity held in Language: English