Technical Assistance Database: Activity Details

Title: Study Visit for four Officials from the Ethiopian Intellectual Property Office to the Copyright Society of Malawi (COSOMA)
Description: The objectives of the study would be to review and learn the administrative procedures in place for registering copyrighted works; how to run and supervise the collective management system within the Office's scope of work, as well as how to manage the artists, etc. There would also be some training in awareness building, as well as techniques and strategies for building capacity with an aim to protecting and managing intellectual property, including methods for enforcement and building respect for intellectual property rights, among other issues.
Type: Workshop
IP Subject Area: Industrial Property
WIPO Sector: Copyright Development Division
Date From: 24/02/2014 - 28/02/2014
Venue City: Lilongwe
Venue/Host Country: Malawi
Activity held in Language: English

Beneficiary / Participant Countries

Country Name No. of Members / Participants
Ethiopia 4
Total Number of Participants:  4