[[transcripts generated automatically by WIPO speech-to-text]] ... Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, Distinguished Delegates, I have just come. We are just working on the final decisions to present in the plenary, I am apologizing because we had a meeting with the group Coordinators, we made some changes, so we are printing the document to reconvene with the group coordinators so that when we come we will not take too much of your time. So that is where we are now, so I apologize for Of the delay, we were just reminded that you were in here, but there's a notice on the screen, but it is a very, so and I remember when I was a delegate and here to just wait in our own to find out what was happening. So I am just letting you know, we are just awaiting the printing of the final decisions and then we will continue in the plenary, I do not anticipate or take in more than perhaps It is 15 to 20 minutes, so we should join you so, okay. Thank you so much for your patience. ... Okay. Good afternoon, everyone, I invite you to refer to your agenda and we are on agenda item number 6. And our discussion now will be unraved too but before I open the floor for request I must point out that the interpreters will only be with us until six p M this afternoon. So please bear that in mind, and we need to remember that fine number of persons who are present, interpretation is not necessarily into their mother tongue, so the interpretation really is essential and necessary Sorry. So with that said, I am going to open the floor now for any general comments or statements as it relates to Rev 2, which is why we have the facilities to hear at A head table with us. So the floor is open. ... I recognize Algeria, representing the Africa Group, Algeria, you have the floor. Thank you, Madame Chair, I am speaking on behalf of the Africa Group, the Africa Group thanks the facilitator for his sincere efforts in putting together the rev 2 of the consolidated document. The Africa Group reiterates its concern regarding the lack of real political will to advance the negotiations within the IGC, the African Group has cautioned against the risk of two-track approach to the negotiations in IGC. As a Rev 2 takes us a step backwards and undermines the efforts made so far to move the negotiations forward. We note with regard that the continuous insertion of new elements and alternatives to the consolidated document with Only amplify divergences and deviate the Committee from its mandate to narrow gaps and reach consensus Africa Group refrained from making any substantial comments on the rev 1 because of the lack of clarity on the process and to avoid further discrepancies in the negotiations. The African Group believes that the current working methodology of IGC is counterproductive and is not likely to allow the Committee to make progress and see the light of the end of the tunnel at the end of the tunnel. We believe that rather than allowing the stalemate to continue, efforts should be instead focused on areas of convergence within the Chair's text, which should be the basis for the conclusion of the discussions on GRs. In the foreseeable future, in view of the above consideration, the African Group cannot support the Rev 2 to be a basis for further negotiations, the Africa Group continues to engage with good faith with a view to reaching consensus on the convening of Of a diplomatic conference on the protection of genetic resources. Thank you, Madam Chair. I recognize the Distinguished Delegate from Egypt. Thank you, Madam Chair, I would like to firstly thank Mr. Paul Kruger, the honorable man for his professionalism is seriousness and his effort made for some time now in order to Achieve his mandate and what I said to you last night my dear friend is that we would have achieved wonderful results if we were in a different context through your work. Madam Chair, I feel as if I am watching a serialist play, today we should be celebrating In order to recognize our outcome. Because we would have achieved a legally binding international instrument which would be balanced and would be capable of bridging. Gaps, we would be celebrating the protection of Genetic Resources and preparing a report for our August organization, we would be preparing A Diplomatic Conference and yet the opposite is true, the text has become more complicated, it has many more brackets, and The treaty is not moving forward because of one reason and one reason about a lack of political will because Genetic Resources are It are not taken seriously enough by the contracting states we have shown goodwill, we came here to negotiate. And we are trying to manage a crisis instead of resolving it, hence our negotiations have been in vain, we have been making an effort for Twenty-two years, but it has all been in vain, we are negotiating, and with that spirit, we say well, we will See if we can move forward in 2023 and the Assembly and this Committee will have a mandate for three years for a year and a half. In 2023 it might go until 2025, Madam Chair, one of the negotiations that will take place with such A backdrop of mistrust today goodwill is lacking. We will need to have a discussion after the debate in order for a debate to be possible, people will have to respect each other, there will have to be a Friendliness and yet we are leaving the conference to day with bitterness and the reason for that is because we depart it from our methodology. As I said, there is a lack of political will to bring this work to a conclusion in order For this to be possible among different parties there would have had to be political will, I could not be clearer about that. And I subscribe to everything that Algeria said on behalf of the African Group because what he said perfectly reflects what we believe. Today we could still contain the situation before it deteriorates even further thank you Madam Chair I recognize the distinguished delegate from Kenya. Thank you, Madam Chair, for giving me the floor, can I also like to thank the facilitators For the effort made in coming up with Rev 2 under the circumstances. Canada would also like to associate itself with this Statement made by the African Group and also the comments already made by Egypt on the Frustrations that we can encounter this gratitude to lack of would from as On Delegations in the negotiation process. Madam Chair, at the particular time during the session, Kenya had indicated that the consultative text was of Orest. And it is now clear that the Rev 2 has made that particular forest huge, the facilitation is And also the world life, dangerous ones happen also to have been increased and therefore, could I join this in It is a rejection to us moving to the next process, Madam Chair, Kenya said that it is a way out of the Orest was the Chair's text, and since the Chair's text still remains with the future amendments by the Chair, as committed towards IGC 47, there are four Kenya commits its support and assures the Committee that I think we are ready to support negotiations based on the Chair's text. I recognize Mexico. I shall be very brief, thank you, Madam, we have already congratulated the facilitator for his excellent work. Work on page 3 of the English version, I am maybe a little confused since my other fact, the Spanish and the document is in English, and I see that there seems to be some imbalance between paragraphs two and three on parage of three. Because it seems to give greater weight to the Chair's document than to the consolidated text. I do not know whether this is so, but if it is read carefully, It would appear that during this week's meeting we spent longer discussing the content of the Chair's text, Then discussing the consolidated text and that does not in any way reflect. Our work this week and to report in this way to the General Assembly could lead. To the assumption that the majority of delegations of expressing views on substantive issues. Are to be found in the Chair's document and not in the consolidated document and that of course is not so. Because the only two observations on text were those Observations made by many of the parties here present or have been here or weak and indeed some of those Participating in the experts meeting, I would have preferred, we have stated it and reiterated it, We prefer the consolidated document to the Chair's document. Thank you. Thank you. Mexico. I recognize Uganda. Thank you, chairperson, for giving the Delegation of Uganda opportunity to speak on the matter at hand. Uganda would like to associate itself with the statement made by the African Group coordinator by the delegate from Egypt and the delegate from the Kenya, that while the facilitator has made some progress in coming up with Rev 2, It has become a totback and therefore it does not address the concerns that we have raised as we began this session that We should be narrowing the gaps rather than widening the gaps, so it is important that we concentrate on the Chair's text and With a view of having a Diplomatic Conference thank you, Uganda, I now invite the delegate from Nigeria. Thank you, Chair, my delegation would like to thank the facilitator for all his genuine effort and raising Rev 2. And to thank you, Chair, also for all that has been going on to enable us to get to some reasonable conclusion over the past five days. My delegation were engaged in good faith and in goodwill. We are mindful of the mandate to close gaps and to work towards finalizing negotiations. We have Invested in pointing on the way forward. However, efforts did not seem to have you that fruits. Rather, Rev 2, as proposed, is a radical deviation From our mandate, it neither closed gaps, nor did it point us on a pathway to finalizing negotiations. Consequently, my delegation would support the The submissions made by Algeria for the African Group by Egypt, by Uganda, that we have moved away from our mandate. And after five days we could not support a document that is antithetical to the mandate for which we have convened. From Nigeria, I recognize South Africa remotely. Thank you, Chair, thank you, Madam Chair. For allowing our delegation of South Africa. The floor to speak. Madam Chair, I would like to join others in appreciating the work and dedication shown by our facilitator. Since Sunday when the expert group met to deliver it on issues around the IGC Madame Chair South Africa aligns itself. With the Africa Group, Egypt, Kenya, Uganda, and our position is still firm. That would have preferred to use The Chair's text is a basis for our negotiation, to such an extent that our communication does not support any negotiations around Rev 2. Madam Chair, I want to specify that South Africa pre-empted the outcomes of this session which have not yielded any positive progress on the negotiations. Madam Chair, the attempt to delay the conclusion of these negotiations flies at the face of the mandate of this session that seeks to narrow the gaps but instead we. Are coming here after five days of negotiations with a text that is taken as 22 years ago Madam Chair, South Africa is still. Assuming its position that is the Chair's text be used as the basis for negotiation and be transmitted to. The General Assembly for recommendation 4 Diplomatic Conference thank you Chair. The Distinguished Delegate of South Africa, I see no further requests for the floor, so I would ask us to move to So I am going to close okay, the Chairman's microphone is open. So now I invite your attention to the decision on Agenda item 6, Genetic Resources, the Committee developed on the basis of document WIPO/GRTKF/IC/43/4, A further text consolidated document on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources Rev 2. However, the Member States were unable to reach consensus on transmitting rev 2 to the 47th Session of the Committee, it was decided to transmit the text in the annex to document WIPO/GRTKF/IC/43/4, The 47th Session of the Committee in accordance with the Committee's mandate for 2022, 2023. It was also decided that document WIPO/GRTKF/IC / GRTKF/IC/43/4, as well as document WIPO/GRTKF/IC/43/5, Be included in the factual report to the 2022 WIPO General Assembly as referred to under agenda item 7. The Committee decided that The Secretariat should organize further ad hoc virtual meetings of experts on possible disclosure requirements and a virtual seminar and/or other virtual technical meetings on Information systems, registers and databases of genetic resources, traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions before the 47th Session of the Committee and provide written reports on such meetings to the Committee. These meetings should include experts reflecting different interests and balanced Geographical representation and should not replace nor delay the text-based negotiations under way in the Committee. The Committee noted Divergent views on the way forward, including on whether the consolidated document WIPO/GRTKF/IC / 43/4 as amended over time and/or the Chair's text, WIPO/GRTKF/IC/43/5, As amended over time should be the basis for negotiations on Genetic Resources, the Committee took note that some members consider that the Chair's text WIPO/GRTKF/IC/43/5 should be the basis for the Committee's negotiations on Genetic Resources and the basis Upon which a diplomatic conference should be convened, while others disagree, the Committee invited the Chair, taking into account comments To revise the Chair's text as contained in document WIPO/GRTKF/IC/43/5. While maintaining its integrity as the Chair's text for the forty seventh session of the committee on information systems registers and databases of genetic resources. Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions, the Secretariat is invited to issue an online survey which Member States and accredited observers could respond to if They so wish. Responses to the survey would be published by the Secretariat online and in an updated version of Document WIPO/GRTKF/IC/43/6. The Committee took note of and held discussions on Document WIPO/GRTKF/IC/43/6, WIPO/GRTKF/IC/43 / 11 and WIPO/GRTKF/IC/43/8, WIPO/GRTKF/IC/43/9, WIPO/GRTKF/IC/43/10, WIPO/GRTKF/IC/43/INF/7. And WIPO/GRTKF/IC/43/INF/8. And I saw gavel that. Can we move down to the decision on agenda item 7? After the consultations, the recommendations to the 2022 General Assembly is as below, noting that a factual report Along with the most recent texts available of the Committee's work and the decisions of IGC 42 and IGC 43 will be provided to the 2022 General Assembly in accordance with The Committee's mandate for 2022 to 2023, the Committee agreed on the following recommendations to the 2022 General Assembly, the 2022 WIPO General Assembly. Is invited to consider the report of the Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore, IGC, document WO/GA / 55/6 and to note that the Secretariat will conduct virtual activities to expedite the work of the IGC on Genetic Resources. The General Assembly welcomes the Chair of the Committee, conducting consultations with Member States and Indigenous Caucus on the methodology of the Committee with a view to Member States agreeing on The methodology is to be used in future sessions. Any other business I will open the floor if there are any comments or any Member States or bodies wishing to take the floor. I see none, okay, before I close the session, I would just like to share a few words with you, yes, no, thank you. Thank you very much. Okay. I just got advice and I am following it, so we have to go back to all the agenda items, I will not read all of them because you heard them before, so agenda item 9, which is the closing of the session, but before we close it, I am just going to reiterate, we adopted agenda item 2, which was adoption of the agenda, the decision on agenda item 3, the accreditation of certain organizations, that was also done Agenda Item 4, the participation of the Indigenous and Local Communities, and the Committee took note of a number of documents there, we also had a We would just like to mention again the WIPO Voluntary Fund and to encourage persons and Member States to, if at all possible, contribute to this because it is important and critical. The Chair proposed that the Committee that was elected by acclamation and we have eight members on that Committee and it is chaired by Vice Chairman. The decision on agenda item 5, reporting on the ad hoc. Ad Hoc Expert Group on Genetic Resources, and we just dealt with, and I am sorry, with agenda item 6 and 7. I now invite comments. From the Indigenous Caucus, followed by the Russian Federation online. Thank you. Applause). Thank you. We will look at it with Bush up it said I still with a chance of but always thank you Madam Chair just to clarify can you hear me can you hear me asked the Russian Federation yes we can hear you. Thank you very much. We would like to ask you to take three minutes because our colleague would like to make a statement under item 8 of the agenda, can we ask for a Brake of three minutes. The Russian Federation is now almost 6 o'clock and the interpreters will be leaving at 6. If we take a break up for three minutes, then. Session will be over. I would like to My colleague is trying to log on. She is experiencing technical difficulties, I hope that she will be able to connect within the next minute I am sorry, okay, thank you in the interim I am going to invite the Indigenous Caucus to speak. Thank you, AIPPI. I figure on behalf of the Indigenous Caucus which is well aware that where we discuss the Well, abuse of human rights, the last 330 persons have been murdered since 2020. Defending their territory, their water, which contains a significant portion of the biodiversity of the world, we are responsible to maintain, develop the genetic resources and biodiversity. Of the world, Genetic Resources and plan to contribute to our culture, the resources which are sought by industrial world in order to To seek solutions to disease and climate change, we need a fair method of protection for the risk. Genetic Resources and traditional related Traditional Knowledge, we need an international instrument which will allow the The two seasons from stealing are genetic resources and the theft of our traditional cultural secrets, and We must struggle for the survival of our customs, minimal international standards contained in the UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, we urge of France and other countries to organize high level of diplomatic meetings to discuss the constitutional issues raised during this meeting, recognizing that the You and on the right of Indigenous People has been adopted by the UN, it is unfortunate that countries are still blocking the adoption of an international instrument in this instance. I urge people to work in good faith and we ask you to maintain your position as Chairman in an equitable matter. We recognize the work of the facilitator, but we need solution, many of the solutions found will limit our rights, we must ensure that we can participate fully and effectively In this meeting, we will continue to insist upon the importance of Of integrating into this work a method based upon human rights, these negotiators cannot participate without your financial resources. We need a financial basis which guarantees our participation, we appreciate those who have contributed to the Voluntary Fund, we believe that this can guarantee our effective and continuing participation. I give the floor to the Russian Federation. Look at that, Madam Chair, thank you very much for giving me the floor, I hope that you can hear me, I fully apologize for coming later, it was because I was not able to. I am also not able to turn on my camera, I have technical difficulties, can you confirm that? Yes, we can hear you. Thank you very much. We would like Should draw your attention to the issue of translation and interpretation that we raised on Monday, regarding the plenary, we would like to thank the Secretariat for its cooperation and also For having provided an updated document, an audio transcript, unfortunately this transcript is not available on the WIPO website. Even that we know there is an updated version which is being prepared, we hope that all of the statements that were made at the beginning of the. IGC will be available in an appropriate format in the six UN languages in the coming days, we also expect that Very serious work will be done to increase the quality of interpretation services in WIPO so that this type of situation will not happen in the future says the speaker we would like To also recall that we would like to forward a request to the legal advisor of WIPO, we hope that the Russian Federation and its delegation will be able to Quickly obtain a written response to its request which was expressed in the Monday morning plenary. Thank you very much. Thank I see no further requests for the floor, so I am going to close this session, noting that the Committee adopted its decisions on agenda items 2,3,4, 5,6,7, on June I would like to make a few remarks and I agree with the indulgence of the interpreters, I will try to be quick but slow enough to that interpretation. So I would like to first acknowledge and thank each and every one of you for your participation in this 43 rd session of the IGC, and I would also like to thank the I congratulate the group coordinators for your support and guidance, I really appreciated it, given that this was my first meeting, the IGC appreciated your patience, tolerance and your guidance. I also want to recognize the work of the Secretariat, in particular ADG Edward KOKA who attended most of the sessions, even the small group sessions, I would like to thank the ADG for that. Director Wenland who has had to reign me in when I am going outside of the where I am supposed to be going, so thank you for staring me clear when I am breaching protocol and I would also like to thank fee And some of you might have noticed me lean and unfair and thinking why she leaned in Anthea and she is so big and face so small I have a problem with my back so I could not work and I did not want to fall so I said to fear but You can not help me, she said, well, both of us will fall and they will grammont Edward and we will pull him down also because it is three of us who are leaving the hall, but I took my medications and I am fine, so I do not have the whole thing any more both Fair was apart from helping me down the stairs, she has really been the epitome of professionalism and great support, the Secretariat really does a huge amount of Work and I acknowledge also Anna who is on at the end of this table and Martin and Mara behind who really there are the wings beneath our wings they keep us going and I really thank them for all that they have The one and for all the support that not only to me but to each of us as delegates and participants here. The interpreters. Thank you so much. I know you have had to deal with my accent which might be a bit difficult So I hope it was okay, and I will try to speak slowly, I want to thank to persons who you may not, you may wonder why I am thanking them, one and is Fred who has been helped in me, he does with the IGC, he is not in the TK division, he works at WIPO and he has really been afraid to the IGC and to me in particular, and I would like to thank him, also to Omar who has really helped behind the scenes in providing staff That we need to make our operations go smoothly. The expertise that was provided by the Vice-Chairs, Yuna and Jukka, and the tireless work of Paul. Who a number of you have acknowledged the work he did as facilitator this week, given all of the circumstances, Paul. Thank you so much. I would really like to thank the entire TK Thank you, and everyone in the Vice-Chairs, the facilitators, everyone who has, and the conference, support staff who have been very helpful. Free, frank and open discussions that we had during this week in the plenary and bilaterally with delegates and also with persons outside of this room, but persons who we believe can help to facilitate It, the narrowing of the gaps. The bilaterals were very important and even our discussions here in the plenary in terms of us identifying with great clarity and A number of the issues and it also brought to the four quite clearly areas of convergence and also the areas of disagreement and the areas that we really need to work on. It is my hope and Peru that we will find more areas of convergence that we will narrow the gaps and that we will arrive at an instrument that will find favor and support with each and every person who is In this room and outside of this room who may be having our role to play in our deliberations. I thank all of you and as we say in Jamaica, we are good and I will see you So much for your participation. Thank you so much for your participation. The meeting is now ended. Enjoy your weekend by everybody and thanks. Again. [[powered by WIPO S2T]]